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TOFAS Programming Certification

Leading Programming Cerification from Japan, Recognize Worldwide
  • Begin the journey of technology education to stimulate children's creative potential

  • Enhances the development of children's language skills

  • Tailored for 4-6 years old

What will your kids learn?

Result Sample.jpg

นอกจากคะแนนการสอบ ผู้สอบได้รับคำแนะนำรายหัวข้อเพื่อนำไปพัฒนาต่อ

Screenshot 2568-02-22 at 21.52.42.png

What will your kids learn?

  • Begin the journey of technology education to stimulate children's creative potential

  • Enhances the development of children's language skills

  • Tailored for 4-6 years old

Screenshot 2568-02-22 at 22.22.59.png

ตารางเปรียบเทียบ ระหว่าง CFRP และ  TOFAS Level

What will your kids learn?

Lesson Duration                        1 hour 30 minutes

Number of Session                   12 sessions

Language Streams                  English & Thai

Class Ratio                                   1:1 (Online & Private) & 1:4 (Group)

Availability                                    At home (Online) & Beyond Code Academy Campus 

What will your kids learn?

  • Begin the journey of technology education to stimulate children's creative potential

  • Enhances the development of children's language skills

  • Tailored for 4-6 years old

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